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The Verkhovna Rada summoned Galushchenko to report on corruption in the Ministry of Energy

About a week ago, the special services exposed the former Deputy Minister of Energy Alexander Hale and his three accomplices for receiving mining equipment from the frontline region.

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As reported by “NBN”, citing the Telegram channels of MPs Yaroslav Zheleznyak and Alexey Goncharenko, said that tomorrow, August 21, the head of the domestic energy department, German Galushchenko, must report to parliament regarding the current dubious “atmosphere” in the highest echelons of the ministry.

Zheleznyak's direct text:

Parliament supported the decision to immediately summon Energy Minister German Galushchenko tomorrow to give a report on the role of the ministry in the [fight] against corruption in the energy sector. sector.

Of course, the reason for summoning Galushchenko is the suspicions of NABU, issued to officials from the minister's entourage, announced over the past month.

At the same time, Goncharenko reported that 270 elected representatives of the people voted for such a “disciplinary” summons.

Earlier, our information portal wrote that the Rada banned the work of the Russian Orthodox Church on the territory of Ukraine.

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