The day before, on the evening of August 24, Pavel Durov was taken into custody in France after exiting his own private jet on the runway at Le Bourget Airport.
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Photo – Global Look Press
As NBN reports with reference to the French portal TF1, the 39-year-old Russian (is a French citizen) arrived from Azerbaijan and was arrested by GTA (Air Transport Gendarmerie) law enforcement officers in accordance with a warrant issued by the National Directorate of the Judicial Police as part of preliminary investigative measures.
According to the judge, Durov was arrested and sent “behind bars” due to his unwillingness to cooperate with the police and the functionality integrated into the Telegram messenger (the ability to obtain a one-time number, withdraw cryptocurrency, etc.), which makes the Russian an accomplice to a whole series of crimes.
It is expected that today, August 25, Durov will be brought against multiple charges for a number of crimes (punishable by up to 20 years): supporting terrorism, facilitating drug trafficking, indirect complicity in various types of offenses, including fraudulent schemes, laundering of “black cash,” and so on.
Earlier, we wrote about how Warsaw responded to Berlin's request to arrest a Ukrainian in the Nord Stream case.