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Russian “authorities” train teachers in the occupation how to identify “pro-Ukrainian children” — CNS

At the VOT of our country, the Russians held a seminar among teachers, the purpose of which was to teach the teaching staff to identify children who “potentially support Ukraine.”

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As NBN reports with reference to the material of the Center for National Resistance (CNS), the invaders, in a predictably cynical style, called the patriotism of young Ukrainians “deviant behavior.”

In particular, the “authorities” of the Russian Federation popularly explained to teachers where to go if they find children who are not showing loyalty to the Putin regime, as well as how to reveal the real views of their parents through schoolchildren.

Thus, the enemies are actually trying to learn about the activity of the Ukrainian resistance movement through children, but they do not understand that the majority of the population in the temporarily occupied territories remains on the side of their country.

Earlier, our information portal wrote that the Central Nervous System explained why the Kremlin organized a new “school movement” for Ukrainian children in Luhansk region.

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