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The Kremlin commented on Zelensky's statement about the need to “force” Russia to peace

The other day, at a meeting of the UN Security Council, President Volodymyr Zelensky made a statement that dictator Vladimir Putin has violated so many norms and rules of international law that the Russian Federation can only be forced to peace by force.

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As reported by “NBN” with a link to the Telegram channel of the Russian propaganda agency RIA Novosti, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Ukraine's desire to force the Russian Federation to move to a peaceful settlement is an “absolute mistake” of Kiev, which does not take into account a number of Moscow's demands.

According to Peskov, Zelensky's position described above is nothing more than a “fatal deep mistake.”

In addition, the personal secretary of the Kremlin tyrant Putin did not forget to once again threaten “consequences” for the Ukrainian government, pointing out that “forcing Russia to peace” simply does not seem possible.

In particular, Peskov said that the terrorist country (RF) is allegedly “a supporter of peace”, but is forced to ensure [some] basic security and fulfill the tasks that were set before the “SVO” [this is how the Kremlin substitutes the word “war”].

The Kremlin spokesman predictably emphasized:

But without achieving these goals [the “SVO”] it is impossible to force the RF.

Earlier we wrote about Peskov’s response to the timing of the Kremlin’s study of Zelensky’s announced plan for Ukraine’s victory.

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