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Klimenko spoke about the consequences of the Russian Federation's night attack on Ukraine (PHOTO)

On the night of Thursday, September 26, Putin's army again carried out an attack on some regions of Ukraine, and only in the Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Sumy and Ivano-Frankivsk regions were there no casualties.

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As reported by NBN, citing information published in the official Telegram profile of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klimenko, this night the terrorist state once again struck the territory of our country.

In Zaporozhye, as a result of the dropping of aerial bombs, at least 8 people were injured, including one child. 12 houses, including a multi-story building, were partially destroyed or damaged. The “emergency workers” carried out a series of search and rescue operations and evacuated 18 people.

Enemies shelled the Kherson region twice: as a result of an air attack by the Russian Federation, 2 people were injured, whom rescue specialists managed to extract from under the rubble.

Also, on Wednesday morning, fragments of kamikaze drones fell in the capital, damaging 4 high-rise buildings and 20 cars, with a simultaneous depressurization of a gas pipe. 2 people were injured: the man was wounded, and his child had an acute stress reaction.

In the Odessa region, the invaders committed another war crime, killing a woman with a missile strike, damaging buildings and vehicles.

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Earlier we wrote about the fact that today the Russian Federation dropped a modified FAB-500 on Sumy, but the aerial bomb did not work.

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