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Peskov Comments on Putin's Threats to Change Russia's Nuclear Doctrine

Russian Presidential Administration spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the Kremlin's plans to change the nuclear doctrine of the aggressor country in order to “warn the West about the consequences of an attack.”

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Putin's spokesman, in a comment to propaganda media, said that the Kremlin dictator's statements about changes to the nuclear doctrine of the terrorist state are “a certain signal for unfriendly countries,” NBN reports, citing the TASS agency.

According to the Russian leader's press secretary, Moscow is thus “warning the West of the consequences in the event of an attack,” and not necessarily with nuclear weapons. The official said that everyone is allegedly well aware of the “deterrent role” of the nuclear potential of the aggressor country.

Peskov admitted that the corresponding threats of the Kremlin leader do not change the situation in the world. However, “sensible” politicians in the West allegedly took Putin's words seriously before, as they do now, when nuclear states are “directly involved” in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Earlier, a Moscow representative said when the Kremlin would become familiar with Zelensky's announced plan for Ukraine's victory.

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