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The 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade responded to Western media reports about the brigade leaving Ugledar

On Thursday, September 26, the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade named after the Black Zaporozhians commented on rumors that had spread in the media about the brigade's fighters leaving Ugledar in the Donetsk region.

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The day before, Forbes reported that allegedly last week, when Putin's occupation forces threatened the flanks of Vuhledar, the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade, numbering 2,000 fighters, “began to quietly retreat to more convenient positions for defense.”

One of the analysts, in a commentary to a Western media outlet, said that Ukrainian forces began to gradually leave the city, NBN reports.

Today, a video appeared on the Telegram channel of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade, in which a defender responded to the publication of Western journalists.

The fighter reported that the brigade's servicemen want to refute the statements of pseudo-experts that their unit left Vuhledar. According to him, despite the difficult assaults and circumstances, the defenders of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade remain in the city, which is controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Recall that the head of the Donetsk regional military administration Vadim Filashkin spoke about the situation in Ugledar and the battles for the city.

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