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Russia to Use China's 'Friends of Peace' Platform to Simulate Peace Efforts — ISW

Recently, Beijing announced that China, Brazil, Pakistan and other “like-minded countries” of the Global South intend to form a “Friends of Peace” platform for an “inclusive dialogue” to find solutions to end the war in Ukraine.

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Photo – Konstantin Kokoshkin/Kommersant

As NBN reports with reference to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the above-described Friends of Peace platform, allegedly aimed at facilitating the end of the war in Ukraine, will apparently be used by Moscow to present Kiev as a party unwilling to negotiate.

Analysts from the Institute for the Study of War recalled that China regularly promoted its own alternative “peace proposal,” thereby allowing the Russian elite to demonstrate a deceptive readiness for a good-faith negotiation process with Ukraine.

Such steps, in turn, were carried out in defiance of permanent contradictory statements from the Kremlin, the terms of which were tantamount to a full-fledged capitulation of Ukraine, while Moscow simply openly rejected the possibility of adequate negotiations.

ISW experts made a reasonable conclusion – the Russian Federation, it seems, will actively promote the “Friends of Peace” platform, and will certainly point to its numerous “peace efforts”, trying to falsely present Ukraine as having refused to negotiate.

Earlier we wrote about the fact that ISW revealed the purpose of Putin's new “nuclear threats”.

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