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The NBU answered whether the October tax increase will affect prices in Ukraine

Amendments to the Tax Code will come into force in October, providing for an increase in the amount of various excise taxes and fees, while the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine plans to significantly raise the VAT rate soon.

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As reported by NBN with reference to the explanation of the Deputy Head of the NBU Serhiy Nikolaychuk, voiced on the YouTube channel “Center for Economic Strategy”, even if the parliament approves another law concerning tax increases, such actions will not have a significant impact on the inflation rate in the country.

According to Nikolaychuk, the bank-regulator has already made the appropriate calculations, which were set out in the corresponding July report: the document examines the potential negative inflationary effects provoked by the increase in tax rates, including VAT.

In addition, NBU experts analyzed a number of parliamentary “initiatives”, and a certain conclusion was made – “most of them will have a predominantly neutral impact on prices.”

The Deputy Head of the NBU added – the increase in the size of the tax collection from revenues will be offset by the return of additional budget resources to the country's economic sector in the form of government spending, which will not allow significant pressure to form on demand volumes, that is, it will not lead to an increase in prices.

Earlier, we wrote that the NBU updated the tariffs for the national payment system “Prostir”.

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