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Kiper reported on the consequences of the night attack of the “Shaheds” on the Odessa region

On the night of this Sunday, Putin's army again attacked Ukraine with kamikaze drones, launching a total of 22 Geranium-2/Shahed drones at various regions of the country (15 were “landed” by our air defense).

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Photo – screenshot TG-video.

As reported by NBN with reference to laconic information posted on the official Telegram channel of the head of the Odessa region military administration Oleg Kiper, on the night of September 29, the Russian occupation army once again carried out an attack on the region, using attack drones.

According to Kiper, on the territory of the Odessa region, as a result of not a direct hit, but the fall of fragments of a downed Russian-Iranian kamikaze drone, the roof was damaged and windows were knocked out in one of the residential buildings, and the fence was also destroyed and three trucks parked near the incident site were partially deformed.

In addition, on the territory of the Razdelnyansky district, several Geranium-2/Shakheds fell in the perimeter of an open area, but did not cause a subsequent fire.

The head of the Odessa OVA added that, according to preliminary information, fortunately, there are no casualties or injuries.

Earlier, our information portal wrote that on Sunday morning the Russian invading army launched a massive airstrike on Zaporozhye.

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