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Zelensky responded to Mike Johnson's demand to fire Ambassador Markarova

Republican Speaker of the US Congress Mike Johnson said he sent a letter to President Volodymyr Zelensky demanding that the Ukrainian ambassador to the US, Oksana Markarova, be removed from her post.

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As reported by “NBN” with reference to the material of Interfax-Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky responded in a balanced and adequate manner to a similar request from the American Republican Congressman Mike Johnson.

According to Zelensky, as the President of Ukraine, he can discuss actions concerning domestic ambassadors exclusively with the speakers of his state. In particular, the leader of our country pointed out that the “Constitution of Ukraine” does not provide for any negotiations on the dismissal of ambassadors with the Speaker of the US Congress Johnson, “with all due respect.”

It should be noted that this dubious letter from Johnson indicates that Markarova found herself in the field of “political discussions” that were led by the Democratic candidate for US president, Kamala Harris. At the same time, if we believe the words of the Speaker of the US Congress, “not a single Republican” was specifically invited to the event.

Earlier, we wrote about Zelensky’s failure to obtain Washington’s permission to strike with Western weapons deep into the Russian Federation.

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