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Zelensky spoke about the “prospects” of the Chinese-Brazilian platform “Friends of Peace”

Recently, Beijing announced its intention (together with Brazil and the “Global South”) to create a “Friends of Peace” platform, the goal of which is to play a “constructive role in the political settlement of the Ukrainian issue.”

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As NBN reports with reference to the opinion of the adviser to the head of the OPU Mykhailo Podolyak, voiced on the air of the telethon on the YouTube channel “TSN”, the above-described initiative is based exclusively on the Russian conceptual approach to ending the war in Ukraine.

According to Podolyak, the Chinese-Brazilian “proposal” will not influence the course of the current war, since there are no “friends of peace” who are in fact “friends of capitulation.”

The adviser to the head of the OPU added, “China and Brazil are seeking to advance “peace initiatives” based solely on the “concept of the Russian Federation,” which proposes to immediately end the war, leaving Putin's army in the temporarily occupied territories, that is, simply not to let the terrorist state lose.

Podolyak emphasized that all “these are not “peace initiatives” – they are initiatives of a capitulatory nature,” summing up:

There is exclusively Zelensky's peace formula, where everything is clearly based on international law. The Russian Federation does not want any peace, it wants the war to end, but it also wants to get an operational pause.

Earlier, we wrote that China's support for Russia proves Beijing's false neutrality regarding the war in Ukraine.

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