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ISW showed the “progress” of the occupiers' offensive after the capture of Ugledar (MAP)

The day before, the Ukrainian Armed Forces explained the retreat from Ugledar by flank attacks by the “second army of the world”, which weakened the defensive potential of the Ukrainian troops, ultimately provoking the threat of encirclement of the city.

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As reported by NBN with reference to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), after the capture of Vuhledar in Donetsk region, Putin's army continues to advance northwest of the city.

Analysts from the Institute for the Study of War confirmed the further advance of Russian occupation forces northwest of the said settlement, which the invaders managed to do due to the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Vuhledar in order to save the lives of their personnel. In the geographic images published on October 1, one can see that the “liberators” recently managed to move along the Pavlovka-Bogoyavlenka highway (northwest of Vuhledar).

However, the reports of Russian “war correspondents” about the advance of Putin's army 0.4 kilometers in depth, entering the perimeter of the forest area south of Katerinovka (northeast of Ugledar), as well as the movement from Vodyanoye to Bogoyavlenka (north of Ugledar), are not confirmed in any way.

However, military experts report that on October 1-2, the occupiers carried out ineffective attacks northeast of Ugledar, near Konstantinovka, Katerinovka and Bogoyavlenka.

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Earlier we wrote about how ISW assessed the impact of the capture of Ugledar on the course of the invaders' offensive in the Donetsk region.

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