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The Rada has revealed the real size of the subsistence minimum

In early September, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft state budget for 2025, which essentially retained the same subsistence minimum (SM), “freezing” social standards and pension indexation.

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As reported by NBN with a link to the material “Interfax-Ukraine”, according to the head of the budget committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Roksolana Pidlasa, the fluctuation of the PM indicator is connected with the adjustment of numerous social payments, but the government ignored the concern for the low-income strata of the country's population.

According to Pidlasa, the negativity towards the state is quite justified, since the official document (the state budget) established that citizens are able to survive on 3,000 hryvnia, while the Ministry of Social Policy, practically “on the next street” has already calculated the “actual, real subsistence minimum”, which is equal to, “approximately”, 9,000 hryvnia.

The head of the parliamentary budget committee added that the concept of “living wage” should be abandoned in budget calculations, introducing a separate base value that will become fundamental in determining salary amounts in certain sectors, in particular, the judiciary, the prosecutor's office and anti-corruption agencies.

Earlier, our information portal wrote about how the Rada commented on the “freeze” of social assistance and pensions in Ukraine.

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