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Former “LPR Minister” Found with Gunshot Wound to Head in Moscow Region, Russian Media Reveals Details

Russian media report that former “LPR minister” Konstantin Zavizenov has been found dead in the Moscow region; the “official” has a gunshot wound to the head.

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Russian Telegram channel On October 1, the VChK-OGPU reported that in the Istra district of the Moscow region, the former “Minister of Fuel, Energy and Coal Industry of the LPR”, Russian citizen Konstantin Zavizenov, was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head, the NBN publication reports.

Photo – Russian Media

The body of a 50-year-old native of Perm was found on the property of his country house. The minor son told law enforcement that his father drank vodka and talked to him about life. The former “official” intended to go to a hotel, and in the morning he wanted to take guns from the country house and go hunting in Kamchatka.

A source of the Telegram channel reports that Zavizenov could have committed suicide against the backdrop of a divorce from his wife, who a year and a half ago, having found correspondence with another woman on his phone, learned that her husband had had a second family in Nizhny Novgorod for 18 years.

In addition to personal dramas, the Russian's career was also falling apart – he literally fled from the post of “minister of the people's republic”, hiding behind the alleged need to take care of his wife. According to him, he was “tired of burying colleagues.”

Having returned to the Russian Federation, Zavizenov joined the “Proryv” project of the Rosatom corporation, but for an unknown reason he was fired. The former “LNR minister” withdrew over the last couple of weeks, and 10 days before his death he sent his relatives a message with the word “Goodbye.”

Recall that in June, a former associate of terrorist Igor Girkin, who headed the “militia” of Kramatorsk, was killed in Moscow.

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