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Umerov reported what percentage of Ukraine's territory is contaminated with explosive objects

Recently, the occupiers have been applying glue to anti-personnel landmines, rolling these objects in soil, dust or leaves, and then scattering the camouflaged “Petals” on the lands of our country.

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As reported by “NBN” with a link to the official page of the Ministry of Defense, as a result of the Russian invasion, 128,000 square kilometers of land and 14,000 square kilometers of water in Ukraine, or about 20 percent, are contaminated with explosive objects (mines and remnants of shells, missiles and kamikaze drones).

The Ministry of Defense notes that such contamination has a significant negative impact on the safety of the civilian population, limits agriculture, prevents industrial enterprises from operating stably and minimizes socio-economic growth in the affected areas of the country.

According to the head of the Main Directorate for Mine Action, Civil Defense and environmental safety, head of the secretariat of the National Authority responsible for mine action, Colonel Ruslan Beregulya, such “explosive” risks negatively affect the lives of more than 6 million Ukrainians.

Earlier we wrote about the fact that the Russian Federation “marks” the occupied part of Luhansk region with monuments to “heroes of the SVO”.

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