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Poland Opens 24/7 Church With AI Priest

A “nano-chapel” run by artificial intelligence (AI) has opened in Poland's Greater Poland Voivodeship.

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As reported by NBN with a link to the Facebook account Radek Rakovsky, you can get into the chapel only by installing a special application developed by Fibaro, a company specializing in the creation of smart home systems.

According to Rakovsky, the application allows visitors to open the entrance doors only after passing verification. In addition to prayers, the “nano chapel” is a place for meetings and communication: young people use the space to develop joint projects.

However, let's return to artificial intelligence – the priest-administrator is based on the functionality of ChatGPT, and plays the role of the head of the chapel: he tells visitors how to navigate the space, operates the coffee maker, provides assistance to the elderly and blind visitors, and also reads passages from the Gospel, says prayers and answers questions regarding faith, theology and theosophy.

Earlier we wrote about the fact that Google Messages has been added functionality that sorts international “spam”.

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