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Kremne told how the authorities intend to fight the “bilingualism regime” among Ukrainian teachers

According to the norms of the relevant legislation, which came into force in 2021, the main language of communication, including in the service sector, should be Ukrainian.

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As reported by NBN with reference to an exclusive material from Ukrinform, the authorized representative for the protection of the state language (language ombudsman) Taras Kremen stated that, unfortunately, commitment to the so-called “bilingualism regime” still exists among domestic teachers.

According to Kremen, the teaching staff teaching young Ukrainians uses a non-state language (Russian) during breaks, as well as during educational activities. Similar situations are also recorded in other areas, and for this reason it is necessary to work intensively to form a “better Ukrainian-language environment”.

In particular, a bill has already been registered in parliament, the adoption of which will ensure the guarantee of the rights of Ukrainians to the state language in the educational sector. However, it is first necessary to integrate such rights into the “language law” and into other areas of public activity.

Earlier, we wrote that on October 10, the Rada adopted a law on a “historic” increase in taxes for businesses and the population.

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