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Sikorski revealed the condition under which the Polish US missile defense base will shoot down Russian missiles

Earlier, Poland reported its readiness to destroy Russian UAVs/missiles if they pose a threat to any of the Ukrainian nuclear power plants, but apparently the position has changed somewhat.

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As reported by “NBN” with reference to the statement of the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman Radoslaw Sikorski said on Rebeliant radio that in the coming weeks, a US missile defense base is planned to be opened near Redzikowo in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (northern part of the neighboring country).

According to Sikorski, he has already managed to agree on the long-awaited changes: this American missile defense base is ready for the potential elimination of Russian missiles over Ukraine, but on one condition – the enemy ammunition must fly towards Poland, that is, it will happen as with the “Iranian missiles that are heading for the US” through Europe.

Separately, Sikorski added:

Our opponents accused us of destroying the base project, but it already exists and will soon be officially opened.

Earlier, we wrote that the General Staff confirmed the success of the strike on the occupiers' oil depot in Rovenki in the Luhansk region.

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