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Angel Day of Anatoly, Vladimir, Zakhar and others: what is not recommended to do on October 21

We tell you what to name a child born on October 21, and also what is not recommended to do today, according to popular beliefs and traditions.

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Photo – Guilman/

On Monday, October 21, Ivan, Vasily, Vladimir, Yakov, Konstantin, Fedor, Nikolay, Sergey, Zakhar, Dmitry, Georgy, Alexey, Demyan, Arkady, Anatoly and Alexander celebrate their angel day, writes “NBN”. Here is what some of these names mean:

Vasily (ancient Greek “king”, “royal”) is a very pleasant person to talk to, easily finds a common language with others, maintaining friendliness even to those he does not like. He will never leave you in trouble and is always ready to help loved ones.

Vladimir (from Old German “great power”, “great strength”) has well-developed leadership qualities, an excellent strategist, inquisitive and conscientious in work. The owners of this name in marriage are a stronghold of calm.

Yakov (Hebrew “follows on the heels of someone”) is a lover of life, will never miss his chance, very forgiving, even in the most conflict situations, but does not tolerate betrayal and ugly actions.

Konstantin (Latin “constant”, “steadfast”) is a bright personality with a special charm, has a clear mind and good intuition, which helps him find his bearings in life.

Zakhar (Hebrew “remembering Yahweh”) is an optimistic person, a fascinating friend, a creative person. Bearers of this name have leadership qualities, can inspire others.

Anatoly (Greek “eastern”, “sunrise”) has a sense of humor. A balanced, stubborn, persistent person who finds his place in life and achieves success.

Arkady (Greek “shepherd”) shines with his insight and intelligence, an energetic, charming and friendly person, has a good sense of humor.

On this day, according to popular beliefs, it is not recommended to go on a long journey, pick up found things from the ground, or let strangers into the house. Today, do not share your plans with others, as this may interfere with their implementation. Also, do not leave the house without a good reason to avoid possible troubles.

Recall that we told you what the names Zlata, Elizabeth, David, Luke and Gabriel mean.

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