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The head of the Central Control Center told what the “distilleries” in the Russian Federation that were attacked by drones at night actually produced

On the night of Tuesday, October 22, drones struck distilleries in the Russian Federation. The head of the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council, Andriy Kovalenko, commented on the attack.

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Photo – social networks

At night, drones attacked a number of Russian regions, targeting thermal power plants and alcohol factories. The Russian Defense Ministry traditionally boasted of “successfully” repelling the air attack, but the Internet reported that the facilities were hit.

Russian publics report that drones struck thermal power plants in the city of Yefremov in the Tula region and the Suzemsky district of the Bryansk region, NBN reports.

Tula Region Governor Dmitry Milyaev also admitted that the attack damaged the premises of the Yefremov distillery and the distillery in the village of Luzhkovsky. It later became known that the synthetic rubber plant in Yefremov was also damaged.

In addition, the UAV also struck the distillery of JSC Biokhim in the city of Rasskazovo in the Tambov Region. As a result of the “bavovna”, a fire broke out at the enterprise, which was extinguished within an hour. Firefighters extinguished a fire caused by a fallen drone fragment at an industrial enterprise in the Voronezh Region.

The head of the Central Dispatch Center commented on the night drone attack on distilleries in the aggressor country. According to Kovalenko, the Russians used these facilities not only to produce alcohol, but also fuel and explosives for the needs of Putin's occupation forces.

The lieutenant added that the enemy disguised these enterprises as something else, although in fact they use them to continue the war.

As reported, a Russian Armed Forces pilot involved in the shelling of a residential building in Dnepr on January 14, 2023, and a shopping center in Kremenchug on June 27, 2022, was liquidated near Bryansk.

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