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A poll has shown how Ukrainians' opinions on peace talks with Russia have changed over the past year

Sociologists from the Razumkov Center conducted a study to find out whether the opinion of Ukrainians on holding peace talks with the Russian Federation has changed over the past year.

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The results of the Razumkov Center’s surveys showed that a year ago, 21% of respondents were in favor of holding peace talks with the Russian Federation, stating that dialogue with Moscow is supposedly an effective way to achieve peace that should be used now. 63% of study participants were against it, NBN reports.

A study conducted by sociologists in September of this year shows an increase in supporters of peace talks with a terrorist state to 35%. 48% of Ukrainians said they do not agree to enter into dialogue with an aggressive state.

37% of respondents are convinced that it is necessary to talk to Moscow only after the Defense Forces push Putin's occupation troops to the demarcation line as of February 23, 2022. 41% of respondents do not support this position.

49% of citizens said that it is worth sitting down at the negotiating table with the Russians only after the Russian Armed Forces are withdrawn or pushed out by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the 1991 state borders. 29% of the study participants disagree with this.

Earlier, KIIS sociologists reported how the level of trust of Ukrainians in their president has changed.

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