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Yermak explained why presidential elections in Ukraine are possible only after the war

According to the norms of the “Constitution of Ukraine”, the next presidential elections in our country should have been held on March 31 of this year.

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As reported by “NBN” with reference to the reasoned opinion of the head of the OPU Andriy Yermak, published in the Italian publication Corriere della Serra, holding presidential elections in Ukraine is likely only after the war against the terrorist state of the Russian Federation is over.

In particular, Yermak answered the question asked by the publication's journalist in an interview quite predictably – “immediately” after the war ends, judging by everything, with Ukraine's victory.

The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine justified this statement quite laconically, pointing out that Zelensky has repeatedly and very clearly expressed himself on this matter. In particular, the current president wants all soldiers to have the opportunity to vote, as well as refugees who have left for abroad.

However, this is impossible to implement, since the process of preparing for the elections is too expensive, and, Yermak emphasized:

…Today [all] resources must go to the war.

Earlier, our information portal wrote that Zelensky reported the most likely dates for the appearance of North Korean soldiers on the battlefield in Ukraine.

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