We tell you what to name a child born on Wednesday, November 20, and also tell you what you should avoid on this day to avoid trouble.
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November 20 is Tatiana's, Makar's, and Others' Angel Day. Tatyana, Anna, Makar, Arsen, Grigory, Alexander, Nikolay, Ivan, Anatoly, Vladimir, Alexey and Vasily. A child born today can be called one of these beautiful names, “NBN” reveals the meaning of some of them:
Tatiana(from ancient Greek means “organizer”, “founder”, “progenitor”) has a difficult character, it is difficult to get along with her because of frequent mood swings, she is characterized by resentment, vulnerability, pride and imperiousness.
In relations with family and friends, this woman shows altruism and care, for which she is ready to sacrifice anything, pays a lot of attention to children. In her work, she gives her all, shows herself as a good professional.
Anna(from Hebrew “favor”, “goodwill”) – a kind-hearted and slightly naive woman who is very eager to help everyone, even people she barely knows.
The owner of this name loves to please, support others, knows how to help a person believe in himself, inspire him. Thanks to her responsibility and perseverance, she is a very valuable employee, a good atmosphere in the team, respect of colleagues is much more important to her than earnings.
Arsen(Armenian name meaning “noble warrior”) is a persistent, brave, resourceful, successful man. He can turn even the most hopeless situation to his advantage, making him an irreplaceable worker. Knows how to make a good impression on people.
Makar (from ancient Greek “blessed”, “happy”) is a modest, balanced man who does not like to stand out. He knows how to keep secrets and never makes false promises. Knows how to enjoy work. The owner of this name is a good family man.
In order not to get into trouble, on this day you should not take revenge, envy, sharply express negative emotions, quarrel with parents and loved ones, lend or borrow money, communicate a lot with strangers. Also today it is forbidden to overeat and drink alcohol.
Our ancestors did not leave the house alone on November 20, especially in the forest, because they believed that evil spirits walked the earth.
Earlier we told the meaning of the names Leonid, Valentin and Gennady.