In October, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that by 2025, Kremlin tyrant Vladimir Putin intends to reach the speed of arms production as the EU, which the aggressor country seems to have achieved.
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Photo – Thomas Banneyer/dpa
As reported by NBN with reference to the material of Der Spiegel, the head of the German Ministry of Defense Boris Pistorius made a statement – the Russian “defense industry” (military-industrial complex or MIC) produces as much weapons and ammunition in three months as the entire European Union produces in one year.
Based on Pistorius' words, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin achieved such a speed of weapons production in the Russian Federation due to the complete transition of the terrorist state “to a military economy.”
The head of the German Ministry of Defense recalled that in his October speech, Putin claimed that will not give up on the “serious, irreconcilable struggle for a new world order.” In addition, the Kremlin tyrant already believes that the Russian Federation has won the war against Ukraine.
Separately, Pistorius emphasized that the European Union has to intensively counter the hybrid war with the Russian Federation, in particular, fight the Kremlin's disinformation campaign and “fake news” from the Russian Federation, which, apparently, slows down the provision of promised military aid to Ukraine.
Earlier, we wrote about Zaluzhny explaining why the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine can be considered the “Third World War.”