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Erdogan criticizes UN for ineffectiveness, calls for reform of organization

Ankara has previously spoken negatively about the United Nations (UN) due to its lack of desire to take over leadership from representatives of dubious countries to resolve current crisis challenges.

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As reported by “NBN”, citing Ukrinform's material, from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, says: “The UN can no longer be considered an effective instrument for global governance, and therefore this international structure must be reformed due to its uselessness.”

According to Erdogan, one of the key results of World War II, in which tens of millions of people died, was the creation of the UN system, which became the most comprehensive platform, that is, uniting “all countries”, both “large” and “small”. However, continuing to work with the UN in the current conditions is virtually impossible, because the organization, “must be completely reformed.”

The Turkish leader added, “The above-described reform must be carried out promptly, since the fate of countries should not remain in the hands of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Earlier, our information portal wrote that the UN showed a high degree of concern due to Trump's presidency.

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