We tell you what to name a boy and a girl born on December 10, and also list the main prohibitions of this day, according to the popular beliefs of Ukrainians.
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Photo – Michael Pointner/pexels.com
Tuesday, December 10, is the name day of Angelina, Evdokia, Anna, Tatyana, Alexandra, Anatoly, Sergey, Alexander, Grigory, Peter, Stepan, Evgeny, Alexey, Ivan, Konstantin, Nikolay, Yakov and Mikhail. “NBN” tells the meaning of some of these names:
Angelina (from ancient Greek “angelic”, “like an angel”) is a straightforward, honest, good-natured girl, in whom capriciousness and prudence struggle. Material wealth and the desire for success are not important to her, her main goal is to marry successfully and build a happy family.
Evdokia(from Greek “prudence”, “good fame”) – a wise, self-confident, responsible, reliable, kind woman. She treats career advancement without fanaticism, takes it for granted, feels at home at work. She loves and knows how to run a household, inspire her husband to great deeds, setting an example of activity and initiative.
Eugene (from Greek “noble”, “distinguished”) – an example of intelligence, erudition and good manners. This man is secretive and does not involve anyone in his plans, is well versed in various issues, hardworking. Serious about marriage – will look closely at his chosen one for some time, it is important for him that his wife meets his criteria.
On this day, it is forbidden to pick up sharp objects, do handicrafts, heavy work, conduct any financial transactions, go out on the ice, swim in bodies of water, drink alcohol, eat meat products. Today, you should not look into the eyes of beggars when you give them alms, because you can bring trouble into your life.
Earlier, we revealed the secret of the names Anna, Alexander, Stepan, Vladimir and Vasily.