We tell you who celebrates their name day on Tuesday, December 18, and also why our ancestors bought a new broom for their home on this day.
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Photo – Magda Ehlers/pexels.com
According to Ukrainian folk beliefs, today, December 18, you need to buy a new broom – this will bring wealth and happiness to the house. At the same time, in order not to bring trouble into your life, on this day it is forbidden to do needlework, sew, borrow, give back what was borrowed earlier, eat meat, dairy products and drink alcohol.
Also, you should not leave a knife on the table, so as not to “cut off” your happiness, break dishes – this will lead to a quarrel with relatives, informs the publication “NBN”.
Today, according to the new church calendar, is the angel day of Zoya, Vera, Mark, Victor, Sergey, Ivan, Semyon, Vladimir, Mikhail, Ilya, Nikolay. Here is the meaning of some of these names:
Zoya(from ancient Greek “life”) loves a calm lifestyle, she does not like surprises, spontaneous decisions, noisy companies. She will reveal her problems, feelings, thoughts only to time-tested people. This woman is a devoted, compassionate and kind friend.
For the owner of this name, a career is not the main thing in life, she will not strive for heights at work, her priority is caring for her family and loved ones. She gets married late, checks her chosen one for a long time.
Vera (from ancient Greek “faith”) has an imperturbable character, does not like haste, which often helps her out in life. This is a bold, decisive, purposeful, self-sufficient woman.
She does not particularly manifest herself in work, as she considers it a necessity. She chooses a partner for creating a family carefully, he must meet a number of her criteria. At the same time, Vera will be a caring wife and affectionate mother who will maintain relationships with her children for life.
Earlier we revealed the secret of the names Stepan, Nikita, Denis.