Linguist Oleksandr Avramenko told how to correctly name bed linen items in Ukrainian, since many often use the classic surzhyk.
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Words “підодіяльник” or “простинь”, which many Ukrainians use to name bed linen items, are a surzhyk and pollute speech, the NBN publication reports.
The famous linguist Oleksandr Avramenko explained in an express lesson how to correctly name parts of a set of fabric items that are laid on a mattress in bed for hygienic and decorative purposes.
According to the expert, “пистынь” is translated from Russian into Ukrainian as “простирал” or “простиладло“, “пододетник” – “пидковдра“. The bag in which feathers are poured is called a “napіrnik“, and the cover that is put on the pillow is “navoloka” or “navolochka“.
Avramenko drew attention to the fact that in the word “podushka” the stress is on the second syllable – подУшка. At the same time, the word “постіль” has a double stress – постіль or постцль.
Earlier we talked about the correct names of types of meat and listed synonyms for the word “lard” in Ukrainian.