We tell you what to name a boy born on January 13, as well as who needs to be given special attention on this day, according to the popular beliefs of the Ukrainians.
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Photo – Michael Pointner/pexels.com
Monday, January 13, is the angel day of Peter, Maxim, Elizar, Jacob and Afanasy. A boy born on this day can be given one of these names, “NBN” tells about the meaning of some of them:
Peter (from the ancient Greek “rock”, “stone”) matures early and strives for independence, always stands his ground, is fearless when it comes to defending his views. He rarely reaches the top in work, since he chooses a business that does not correspond to his abilities. In financial matters, he has either tremendous successes or big failures.
He starts a family quite late, when he finds his ideal woman, which he forms in his youth, or when he is disappointed in the success of his search. Children do not play a primary role in his life.
Maxim (from Latin “great”) is a confident, independent, ambitious, strong man with leadership qualities. He can become an excellent athlete, politician or businessman, thanks to his willpower, determination and endurance.
In relationships, the owner of this name is distinguished by deep devotion and passion, values mutual respect, loyalty and honesty. He is capable of great deeds for the sake of his beloved.
Elizar (from Hebrew “God helped”) is outwardly soft, but at the same time has a firm core of views and beliefs. This man is happy to help with advice, deeds, and finances. He has numerous talents, but does not strive for material goods and fame, can achieve a high social and material status after 40 years.
He knows how to provide for a family, which he starts in adulthood, takes the choice of a wife seriously – he will choose a highly moral, simple and kind woman.
Today, according to the popular beliefs of Ukrainians, you cannot do physical labor, sew, embroider, knit, borrow and lend money, quarrel with strangers and friends, leave the house before dawn.
Also on this day you cannot offend animals, otherwise happiness will turn away from you. On January 13, our ancestors tried to pay special attention to dogs and cats, as they believed that today they were able to predict the weather and influence fate.
Earlier we revealed the meaning of the names Arseny and Anatoly.