We will tell you why our ancestors refused to sew, knit or embroider on January 17, and who celebrates their name day on this day according to the new church calendar.
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Friday, January 17, according to the new church calendar, is the name day of Antonina, Anton, Ivan, Victor, Pavel and Georgy. Don't forget to congratulate them on their name day.
NBN tells about the meaning and character of some of these names:
Anton(from ancient Greek “worthy of praise”) – a sociable, honest, hardworking, tactful, reserved, decent man who has natural charm and a high level of empathy. The owner of this name will strive for a career that offers opportunities for advancement and intellectual challenges.
In relationships with women, Anton is romantic, polite and gallant. Do not rush to tie the knot.
Victor (from Latin “winner”) since childhood is distinguished by special purposefulness, persistence in work, this is a pedantic, punctual person who is understanding of the weaknesses of others. At the same time, routine work does not suit him, Victor wants to have an exciting business.
In a relationship with his beloved woman, he is faithful, patient, reliable. Puts the interests of his family above all else.
On this day, according to the popular beliefs of Ukrainians, it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical labor, pick up sharp objects, put off important matters, be idle, share plans and secrets. Also, today you should not sew, knit or embroider, otherwise financial problems will arise.
Note that the ABCnews publication told what holiday today, January 17, Ukrainians celebrate according to the new church calendar.
Earlier we revealed the secret of the names Ivan and Neonila.