On average, during 2024, the salary of 21,800 domestic civil servants was 54,400 hryvnia, but the income of officials increased in December, since various bonuses and allowances are paid in the last month of the reporting period.
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Photo – minfin.com.ua
As reported by NBN, citing statistics published by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, by December 2024, the average salary of employees of the central government apparatus increased to UAH 79,800, and, if we compare it to the beginning of this year (38,600 hryvnia), the income of officials increased more than 2 times.
In particular, the “top five” departments in which civil servants are paid the highest salaries are as follows:
- in first place are officials of the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine with an average monthly salary of 134,500 hryvnia (380 individuals are paid);
- in the second place — the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with 125,000 hryvnia/month (140 people work there);
- in the third place — the State Service of Ukraine on Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience with 122,300 hryvnia/month (35 people);
- in the fourth place — the Antimonopoly Committee with 118,200 hryvnia/month (268 people);
- in the fifth place — the National Securities Commission and the stock market with UAH 109,200 per month (249 people).
A more complete table of “records” for accrued salaries is posted below:
Photo — mof.gov.ua
Earlier we wrote about the Ministry of Economy predicting how Ukrainians' salaries would grow in 2025.