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Elena Zelenskaya’s two types of anxiety: how the president’s wife copes

The wife of the Ukrainian president, Elena Zelenskaya, like any woman, experiences anxiety and stress. In the new episode of the podcast “How are you?” she shared that she has two types of anxiety and told how she copes with them, writes WomanEL.

For herself, Elena has already realized that the first type is when there are reasons for anxiety. For example, when some event awaits, before which it is worried and must prepare for it. That is, this is such a rational anxiety.

Two types of anxiety by Elena Zelenskaya… Source: Instagram

And there is irrational anxiety. Just something bad in my soul. And at such a moment, I ask myself the question, can I do something to make it better, the first lady shared.

the first lady shared.

According to Zelenskaya, in the first case, she just starts prepare for the event without falling into procrastination, so that it doesn’t get worse.

I will suffer to the last, and this suffering will never stop. To stop suffering, you need to do the maximum in order to calm down and prepare for the event, Elena noted.

Elena Zelenskaya. Source: Instagram

But if there is no reason for the feeling of anxiety, then the president’s wife tries to devote time to sports.

In the second case, when there is nothing to offer herself , you need to physically do something. Some kind of physical activity or sport calms me down. Always. At least an hour – and then the head falls into place, Zelenskaya admitted.

Elena tried to practice meditation, but more practice is needed. She has not yet experienced such miraculous power, but she is sure that it should come if she continues. After all, in cases where you can’t cope, you physically need to do something about it.

Such interesting and useful tips from our first lady that will help overcome anxiety. Previously, we wrote about how Elena Zelenskaya demonstrates conscious consumption.

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