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Airplanes of peacetime: Ziferblat presented the first song written during the war

Peaceful times will come sooner or later. The deep intellectual work “Planes” by the group “Ziferblat” is dedicated to precisely this future of Ukraine: without war, without fear and without explosions, says WomanEL.

According to the lead singer of the group Daniil Leshchinsky, it’s all about those who once someone will look at the clear, safe sky and will not even imagine that it could be any other way.

Planes of peacetime. Source: Instagram

This is a song about peaceful times. About the upcoming peaceful times that may come. When I re-read the text, I imagine a magic telephone that will allow me to communicate today with a person of the utopian future. The whole world is the same, but only the details tarnish it,

shared Daniil.

“Planes” is the first song of “Ziferblat”, which they wrote already during the full-scale invasion. The black-and-white, poignant video for the new work, metaphorically depicting our present, was shot by director Ilya Dutsik. We listen, watch and believe in better times…

We previously wrote how Yaski and Polamav motivate change in a new song.

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