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Holy Week 2024: date, traditions, prohibitions

A few days before Easter, Christians all over the world are preparing for an important holiday. The Holy Week leading up to Easter is spent reflecting on the suffering of Jesus Christ. From April 29 to May 4 this year, believers will celebrate Holy Week, observing certain traditions and restrictions, writes WomanEL.

ContentHoly Week by dayWhat not to do this week

Holy Week by day

< p>Palm Sunday, celebrated on the penultimate Sunday before Easter, marks the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Believers carry blessed willow to the church, symbolizing the greeting of Christ and preparation for fasting.

Great Monday begins a strict fast and the decoration of the house with consecrated willow.

Great Tuesday is filled with divine services and preparation for the Easter holiday.

Great Wednesday is celebrated with confession. Believers also begin to dye Easter eggs for Easter.

Maundy Thursday, or “Maundy Thursday,” marks the last supper and general cleaning.

Good Friday, the most mournful day, requires strict fasting and refusal of entertainment.

Holy Saturday ends Lent and marks the burial of Christ.

Holy Week traditions: fasting, prayer, going to church and reflecting on suffering Christ. Source:

What not to do this week

During Holy Week, believers should refrain from fun, quarrels, festivities and celebrations. It is necessary to fast and refuse heavy physical labor. Don't have a wedding. Holy Week is a time of reflection, repentance and deep faith, which prepares believers for the bright Resurrection.

Thus, Holy Week 2024 is filled with religious rituals, traditions, services and the expectation of Christians for a bright Easter Sunday. By the way, we recently told you why the date of Easter celebration is different in Ukraine and Europe.

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