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Millionaire Slobozhenko responded to reproaches about boasting about wealth and working with the Russian Federation

Recently, the scandal surrounding the 25-year-old Ukrainian millionaire Alexander Slobozhenko has received a loud response. He was accused of not only vacationing abroad during general mobilization and war, but also showing off his expensive vacations, writes WomanEL.

Journalist Mikhail Tkach revealed that Slobozhenko, who turned out to be unfit for military service, not only vacationed in luxury resorts, but also actively showed it on social networks. Photos and videos of helicopter trips, charter flights and exclusive cars were published on his Instagram page.

After this, Alexander made an appeal to the public and personally to Tkach. He declared his actions in favor of the country, investing significant funds and efforts on the military front. In particular, Slobozhenko organized campaigns to disseminate information about the situation in Ukraine through social networks, spending $700 thousand on this. He also emphasized that his team was creating bots that track the movement of Russian military equipment in Ukraine, for which he is wanted by the Russian FSB.

I sacrificed my safety. I took the media hit. And the FSB in Russia is looking for me for life, me, and not anyone else. I sacrificed absolutely everything. I thought of nothing but patriotism and the opportunity to help my country… I cannot share deep thoughts with you. I myself don’t understand everything in this life yet. I want to continue broadcasting my life, I don’t have a script. Why should I make excuses?

noted celebrity.

The blogger added that his work has no connections with Russia, and he cooperates with international organizations. His actions are aimed exclusively at the welfare of Ukraine. Alexander recalls his active support of the country's defense capability, charity and contribution of resources to the fight against Russian aggression.

Alexander Slobozhenko revealed his life principles. Source:

The celebrity notes that he was born in a village, and whatever his condition, his upbringing does not make him a depraved or evil person. On the contrary, he says, he inspires others to develop and work on themselves.

I wanted to make my grandmother a renovation in the village, but I myself can’t call it a major renovation, I posted a photo with his parents from his home where he grew up. This house is Soviet and I received a lot of comments saying: “Why do your parents live poorly?” I can’t make repairs for my parents, because “what will the neighbors say”? This is my Soviet upbringing, because of which I also have many complexes. They are associated with thoughts about the reaction of others to my actions,

the blogger explained.

Note that Slobozhenko’s life evokes different emotions among Ukrainians. Many of his supporters support and are inspired by his activities and earnings. Others condemn people for showing off their successes, luxury goods, cars, etc. Despite loud conversations on the Internet, Alexander continues to develop his activities and support the army.

By the way, it recently became known that Greta Thunberg was detained by the police.

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