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How to love your body: 5 best body positive affirmations

No matter what you look like, it's not always easy to feel good about your body. We all sometimes feel like we need to change something, be it losing weight or smoothing out wrinkles. But there is actually a way to accept yourself at any size. How to love your body?

ContentHow to love your body: repeat these affirmations “My body is the vessel in which I live my life” “My body deserves respect” “All bodies change over time – and that’s normal” “I am worthy of love and respect exactly as I am” “I accept and celebrate the uniqueness of my body.”

Repeating positive statements, also known as affirmations, every day can be one of the best ways to help you combat negative thoughts and regain your self-confidence. Not sure where to start? WomanEL suggests the following phrases.

How to love your body: repeat these affirmations

Self-love affirmations will help you learn to treat yourself and yours with gratitude and respect body, Source:

“My body is the vessel in which I live my life.”

Too often we look at our body through the narrow prism of its aesthetic qualities. Experts say that by focusing on the things your body allows you to experience, you can begin to overcome negative body image.

“Your body allowed you to do everything you've ever done: hug a friend, watch the sunrise, enjoy a meal, or ride a bike,” says Anne Poirier, director of behavioral health at Hilton Head Health. “If we can stop and think about all that our body has allowed us to see, hear, feel, smell, taste, touch and experience, we can move from criticism to gratitude.”

Maryland clinical therapist Sarah Puskavich agrees that this is a particularly powerful statement. “We can get stuck in the mindset that in order to feel confident or be worthy of a certain experience, our bodies must meet certain standards. This kind of thinking can lead us to feel at war with ourselves,” she says. “Instead, focusing on what our body gives us and how it connects us to the world promotes feelings of gratitude, which has a positive effect on confidence.”

“My body deserves respect.”

Recognizing that bodies of all ages and stages, including yours, deserve respect is an important step towards healthier self-esteem. “When we judge and criticize the body, we only see what is wrong with it, but when these are our thoughts, we begin to believe them, focus on them and embody them,” says Poirier. This leads to a snowball effect of negative self-talk.

She explains that by believing that our bodies are “wrong,” “fat,” or “ugly,” we mark ourselves out as inferior. Instead, by adopting a mantra of respect, you can begin to let go of those judgmental and demeaning feelings that can lead to self-destructive behavior.

“All bodies change over time—and that's okay.”

Change is inevitable, including the changes your body experiences over time. Puskavich says that by accepting these changes with curiosity and openness rather than criticism, you can improve your relationship with your body.

“We live in a culture obsessed with looking young forever, which creates unrealistic expectations of how our bodies will change over time,” she says. “Remember when you were a kid and how exciting it was to watch you grow or see you lose a tooth? Bringing this open-minded curiosity into our current lives helps ease the social pressure of trying to look young forever.”

“I am worthy of love and respect just the way I am.”

Sometimes the key to feeling great in your body has little to do with your physical self. According to Chicago-based consultant Amy Brown, remembering that you are worthy of love and respect without changing anything about yourself will help you get rid of negative thinking patterns.

“This statement reminds you that your worth is not determined by your appearance,” she notes. “By acknowledging your worth—just as you are—you can increase your self-esteem and feel more confident. Recognizing your worth helps you increase self-love and acceptance.”

“I accept and celebrate the uniqueness of my body.”

Today's beauty standards often demand that we all change to conform to a certain standard of perfection. But Brown says it's important to move past that notion and embrace the features that make you unique.

“Focusing on the uniqueness of your body encourages you to appreciate what makes you different from others,” she suggests. “Accepting your body's individuality can change your perspective from comparison to recognizing your distinctive features.”

Want to boost your self-confidence even further? Then try this self-love practice challenge.

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