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What is dirofilariasis and how to avoid getting infected

Dirofilariasis is a parasitic disease caused by helminths of the Dirofilaria genus, reports WomanEL. Ukrainian fakhivtsy speak about the increasing incidence of illness from the remaining fates, which have occurred in the Vinnytsia region and in Kiev. The Vinnytsia Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention (OCCP) emphasizes that due to the high sensitivity and availability of specific prevention, there is an unsafe trend towards a rapid increase in helminthiasis.

ContentWhat is dirofilariasis? What are the symptoms? How to protect yourself?

What is dirofilariasis ?

Dirofilariasis is a parasitic disease caused by helminths of the Dirofilaria genus. Most often it is recorded among domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, as well as huts. People can become infected only through the bite of an infected mosquito, such as a mosquito that has tasted an infected creature. The larvae of the parasite (microfilariae) enter the human body as they grow rapidly. The helminth does not reach the fragments of state maturity in the human body, people cannot infect others. In most cases, dirofilariae are detected in people under the skin and mucous membranes. From the moment of infection until the swelling disappears, it takes at least a month, and sometimes up to two years.

Photo: Kievsky Moscow Center for Control and Prevention sickness

What are the symptoms?

The first symptoms of illness are painless bulge. Infected people may experience itching and liver pain at the site of the bite. The helminth migrates throughout the body, and patients may be marked by over-drying or hardening under the skin. Stand up to where the helminth moves, up to tens of centimeters, and the speed of migration is up to 30 cm in 2 increments.

The initial diagnosis for the patient is often made as fibroma, atheroma, cyst or swelling. If the helminth is not removed promptly, the veins can fester and an abscess develop. Dirofilaria can infect the eyes, throat, and internal organs. Such outbreaks were recorded in Australia, Japan, USA, Canada, Italy, France and other countries. If the eyes are affected, this is accompanied by the appearance of nodules under the skin of the eye or the conjunctiva. The lids may swell and tearing may occur. Most often, the parasite infects the areas of the back, shoulder and forearm. To remove the parasite quickly, call for one live helminth with a depth of 10-15 cm.

How to protect yourself?

The group at risk for infection is people who live near rivers and rivers, summer residents, tourists, as well as people who work in the forest and fishing kingdom. You can protect yourself from dirofilariasis with various types of repellents – drugs that kill mosquitoes and midges. It is recommended to use electric fumigators with insecticidal sprays or sprays, wear special clothes, capes on the head, install screens on windows and doors.

One of the main causes of infection is dogs . The sickness rate among them increases in the spring and decreases in summer. To prevent dirofilariasis in dogs and cats, you can prevent other diseases such as fleas and ticks, which are also carriers and causative agents of illnesses that prevent dirofilariasis.

Knowledge about how dirofilariasis is transmitted and how Take measures for prevention, you can change the risk of infection both in people and in pets.

Be healthy!

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