• 10/02/2025 15:15

Tradwife Anne Getaway in the film adaptation of the novel by Caro Claire Burke

A new film from the American studio Amazon MGM Studios remakes Anne Getaway as a married homemaker (Tradwife). The actress is taking on the lead role in the sci-fi melodrama “Minule” and will act as a producer of the episode, says WomanEL.

As Deadline writes, the film studio Amazon MGM Studios has acquired the film rights to the novel of the same name by Caro Claire Burke about the Russian Tradwife (“traditions”) no squads”). Behind the plot, the ideal world of the main heroine Natalia collapses when she falls into the 1805th century. 1df.jpg” />Tradwife Anne Getaway in the film adaptation of the novel by Caro Claire Burke. Dzherelo: Instagram

It’s the fire that lights up the kitchen, not the electricity, the children of the harlot are spoiled, the white-haired man soon becomes a farmer. Блог в Instagram стає виснажливою реальністю сільськогосподарської праці.

Наталі не може зрозуміти, що з нею відбулося, — чи вона стала учасницею реаліті-шоу, чи подорожує в часі, чи проходить «божественне випробування». Everything becomes complicated when the woman becomes a child of her “new” man.

The main intrigue is obvious: it doesn’t matter how she got here, what matters is how she gets out… Previously, we learned about 5 new film premieres that will be looked at in the future.

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