Discipline is a lock and a deputy in any law. With the help of simple rituals, you can now better control your life. Fakhіvetsya has a special development and transformation Mel Robbins has found a living tool – “Give me 5.” This method helps you earn time for a better life, motivates you to be productive, inspires you and encourages you, write WomanEL.
ContentPunctual alarmImportant wordsIt's okayGive 5Ranks
Give yourself a high five immediately after the dump, even before you open your smartphone and talk to him. If you give yourself five lies in front of all other rights, then you set a good tone for the day.
Also this ritual is to be timid in front of the mirror. This way you connect positive energy to your images and establish contact with your inner light. Another important aspect is regularity. It’s important to give yourself food every day, no matter what mood you wake up in or what plans you have for the day.
Punctual alarm clock
Set yourself first — get up when the alarm goes off. When you set an alarm clock in the evening, you give yourself a treat. By adding it for another 5-10-15 minutes, you will disappoint yourself, and you will not really enjoy the power of relaxation.
Important words
Say to yourself the words that feel important to you: “Everything is fine with me. I'm in trouble. To love me.” These are the basic speeches that your knowledge will require when you go to sleep. Let her know, instead, to immediately start reading the news and notifications in the mail.
Lizhko okay
Give yourself a gift – tuck it in carefully. This is a simple ritual that will help you find peace, bury yourself in the rug again and lie down again.
High five
Give yourself a high five at the mirror. Immediately go to the bathroom and look at yourself in front of the mirror.
Ranks of the World
Make people die in the evening. Change this – die asshole. Perhaps, this helps to live a happy and successful life in dreams, but in reality, let’s face it head on.
Previously we learned how bad emotional care is: 4 years d experts.< /p>
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