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How Foreigner turned back an hour ago: a fresh look at an unprecedented song

Honest representatives of the Hall of Fame to Rock and Roll, the Foreigner group, have released a song featuring Lou Gremm, “Turning Back The Time.” Вона була написана в співавторстві з Марті Фредеріксеном, а WomanEL розповідає, як «Foreigner» вдалося повернути час назад.

Свою колекцію пісень, що повністю охоплює кар’єру, музиканти теж назвали «Turning Back The Time ” Collection of all hits in the history of the group.

How Foreigner managed to turn around an hour ago: a fresh look at I see the song. Photo:

Lou Gremm was the frontman of the group for two periods, from 1976 to 1990 and from 1992 to 2003. Behind the words of team leader Mick Jones, there is a lot of song that he and Graham wrote at the same time, but they never came out. One of them, “Turn Back the Hour,” was written in collaboration with Mart Frederiksen. It’s not at all relevant.

I am sure that this collection of songs is brought us here, and at the same time illuminates our path forward with such recent records. And I am sure that for everyone who hears this song, it will be as important as it is for me. Recently, Marty and I looked at each other and replayed the song, even though we can admire it with fresh eyes, – shared by Jones.

The “Turning Back The Time” collection will be out for 4 days. Previously, Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars hit the music charts with a new hit.

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