The world-famous fashion influencer Leoni Ganne, who is now enjoying a sunny summer in Italy, has again won the hearts of her rogues with her unconventional style and ability to create effective images. This time we chose a luxurious horned satin cloth “Tulip” from the Ukrainian brand Anna October, writes WomanEL.
The cloth, which gently hugs the blogger’s body, impresses with its elegance This femininity became the main accent of Leona’s image. Its delicate erysipelas tint enhances the charming atmosphere of the mirror, creating a romantic and sophisticated mood. Along with the cloth, the influencer complemented her look with a Hermes Mini Kelly bag, which harmonizes with the color and adds flair to the look.
It wouldn’t be possible without stylish accessories. Leoni chose embellishments from the look of the anniversary and bracelets, which added notes of luxury and elegance.
The price of the “Tulip” cloth on the official website of the Anna October brand is 750 euros, which confirms the high status of this wow designer's choice. Леоні Ганне, як завжди, довела, що стиль — це не лише про одяг, але й про вміння створювати гармонійні і незабутні образи.
Нагадаємо, нещодавно Леоні Ганне створила блискучу колекцію одягу для українського бренду.