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What is Slow Food: 5 principles of informed living

Ruh Slow Food reaches millions of people around the world. Participants organize festivals, food fairs, tastings and other events for popularization. In Ukraine, this ecological movement is also gaining popularity. Its members include farmers, restaurateurs, cooks, and also just people who strive to live a better life. Today's WomanEL reveals that Slow Food also reveals the principles of informed living.

ContentWhat is Slow Food 5 principles of informed consumption and taste? 2635d24f8584d8e4.jpg” />Cooking hedgehogs in the Slow Food style requires time, respect and love. Dzherelo:

What is Slow Food

Father, Slow Food is not just a way to prepare food or a diet, it is a true philosophy of life. Its founders, Carlo Petrini and Giuseppe Scarnone, believed that hedgehogs were not just a way to stave off hunger. This is still a source of solitude, spilkuvannya and cultural decline.

The symbol of the philosophy of Slow Food has become a symbol, which, in the opinion of Karl Petrina, symbolizes abundance, which we respect gladly with homeopathic medicines, not absolute value.

The feeling of carrying your little house on your back can be felt at home, no matter where you go. It's also about us. We are distinguished by those who are local and typical. We appreciate that culinary goodness is the only way to avoid the consequences of this kind of globalization, which is to give everything the same taste, no matter what,” says the founder of the international movement.

Cooking Hey in style Slow food is important for time, respect and love. It’s not just about those who are with us, but also those who are like us. This is about those who need to enjoy themselves with the skin, but let’s make sure that everyone knows for what we can do.

What is Slow Food: 5 principles of informed living. Dzherelo:

5 principles of informed shopping Ezhi

Slow food is seen as a sweet and savory meal of healthy, natural products that add vitality and joy.


Selection and selection of local seasonal products, which are beneficial for organs and part of local culture.


Malting without haste, enjoying the taste and aroma. The more satisfied you are with your food, the more concerned you are with preparing healthy herbs and choosing ingredients.


Preservation of traditional local products and herbs due to globalization and popularization of culinary traditions of different regions.

It’s not just about those who are ours, but also how we are… Dzherelo:

Environmental friendliness

Varification and food production, so as not to harm the environment , goodness of creatures and health of people.

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