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How to stop hair loss during menopause?

Besides the common symptoms of menopause (for example, hot weather), hair loss around the time of menopause is another side effect that can affect many women. It is not surprising that one of the main culprits is the hormonal imbalance that occurs during this period, as well as other factors that affect the health and way of life, which can cause thinning hair. How to stop hair loss during menopause?

ContentWhat does menopause mean for hair loss? What does hormonal hair loss look like? What does hair loss look like during menopause?

Find strategies that will help you get rid of these hair loss, and the sooner you start to stagnate, the better. WomanEL share the pleasures of the experts behind this drive.

Chi Calls menopause hair loss?

A short answer – yes. To put it more precisely, hormonal changes that occur in women near menopause can affect hair growth. “At the hour of menopause, the level of estrogen and progesterone drops, and then the action of androgens, or human hormones, increases,” explains nutritionist Ellen Marmur. “Through your hair, two speeches can be generated. You have started to grow more hair in these places, where before there was none, for example, on your side. And you can notice that your hair is starting to fall out, become thinner and thinner.”

However, hormonal imbalance is not the only potential cause of hair loss during menopause. There are other officials here who can cause hair loss throughout your entire life. Various autoimmune diseases, diseases, improper diet, deficiency of vitamins and minerals (for example, diet and vitamin D), stress can also negatively affect hair growth, says Bridget Gill, Ficted trichologist and colorist.

The old halo also works on healthy hair. “With age, the amount of lipids, cholesterol, ceramides and fatty acids in the body changes,” explains Gill. “Everything is necessary for preserving the moisture and value of the hair fiber, as well as a stable microbiome of the scalp and skin barrier for the healthy functioning of the scalp.”

In addition, improper care of the scalp and hair, as well as its wear and tear, can over time cause the hair fibers to become damaged, leading to hair loss. “The risks of overworld exposure to the sun, mechanical damage to hair styling, heat styling and chemical services… All these are natural agents that can speed up the deterioration of hair that is aging, which is combined with the natural process of the body,” says Gill.

To ensure that your hair is always healthy, it’s so simple to say i before bed.

What does hormonal hair loss look like?

Hair loss around the time of menopause usually manifests itself in the appearance of a thin layer of hair all over the head. It’s more important in the front line of hair, to extend and whiten the crown, explains Shab Kaspar, trichologist and founder of The Leona Way. “The follicles in these areas are more susceptible to a negative influx of hormones,” apparently.

Dr. Marmur adds that, as a rule, hair loss around the time of menopause does not lead to the appearance of bald patches. During menopause, your hair may also become thinner and brittle.

How does hair loss occur during menopause?

Those we know play a great role in the health of our hair, Dzherelo:

Head – approach nutrition for hair growth in a comprehensive manner, taking into account your way of life, stress, diet, excess food, faces and be-like other officials who flow into the fire camp healthy’I. As Kaspar says, “your hair is a sign of your health.”

Identifying the main causes of hair loss or just before menopause is also important. And for this, according to Gill, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination with a trichologist or dermatologist.

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