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Olga Kharlan appeared on the Playboy magazine

Ukrainian Olympic fencing champion Olga Kharlan cheered the dancers by appearing in the Ukrainian glossy magazine Playboy, reports WomanEL. Her new role as a fashion model caused a lot of discussion in social circles, where the addition of her athletic achievements and sassy image did not deprive anyone of interest.

On the Versene verniy shelf of Playboy, Harlan stands by a white cloth in the Grecian style, holding his sports hat in his hands. This elegant, yet at the same time calm image reinforces its strength and femininity. The makeup adds versatility to her appearance, and the sports paraphernalia hints at her achievements.

The issue of dedication to sports records in the hour of war, and Olga is presented as “a screw who is unattainable.”

Harlan shared cover on her Instagram, and in Stories she showed the behind-the-scenes moments of the photo shoot, which deprived the fans of the new shots in the middle of Playboy magazine.

On Guess I've been stalking Olga recently Kharlan was sold for a neutral sum for the consumption of ZSU.

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