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I didn’t feel that way: Michael Douglas shared his disappointments with his visit to Ukraine

The 79-year-old Hollywood actor Michael Douglas, who recently became friends with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, after his visit to Kiev, impressed the shunvalniks on Instagram with a story about our capital. The celebrity visited the summit of the first ladies and gentlemen and shared their warnings about the war and the important road to Kiev, reports WomanEL

Ukraine is going through a miserable war with Russia, so getting to Kiev is not easy. 11 years of pulling towards the Polish cordon – this is a folding road,

said Douglas. 

In addition, the actor recognized that the architecture of the place and the unity of Ukrainians had completed his revolution. The “Okhmatdit” hospital has attacked every child and was destroyed by Russian attacks. quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow”>

Ukraine – There is a real message about the value of freedom and democracy,

adding Michael.

Zirka cinema too by thanking President Zelensky and the first lady for hospitality and calling on their subscribers to support Ukraine.

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