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MELANYA and Denis Zhupnik present a song about the jokes of the rightful kohanny

On the 26th of Wednesday, the Ukrainian singer MELANYA presented a new song “Know You” in a duet with TV radio host Denis Zhupnik. This composition reveals the deep inner thoughts of the Kohanna, how to bring warmth and light into our lives, write WomanEL.

“Know for you” is a story about the pain of knowing the right love, how to create the goal and protect the most important and moments. The heroes of the song are about a person whose outlook will change their life, become a support in difficult times and give a sense of peace. This is a terrible composition about love, which delights the soul and gives joy to tomorrow.

Happiness has no tomorrow.. People need people, themselves eating the cob of a woman and a man. For me to consider myself happy, without being a kohanoy, to know my own soul and at the same time live life. “To know you” – a song that prompts the search for a good kohannya, a life about how you dream, a life that is more important to your soul in the order of the kohanna people,

reveals MELANYA.

“To Know” is a song about how love can heal the soul in the most important hours. Dzherelo: press group

Already often we continue to joke with our people, never knowing what’s going on charge We often go through it hundreds of times, but it takes only one glance to know our happiness for the rest of our lives. “Know for you” itself is about those who, when you are ready to stop and listen to what the heart suggests. And you yourself – whose heart needs to be respected,

adds Denis Zhupnik. 

The song “You Know” can already be listened to on all music platforms, and the clip can be viewed on YouTube.

VLADA K recently released the song “Mantra”, created for Children’s Eurobachenia.

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