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TOP 5 best seasonal vegetables for health and beauty

Autumn is the very hour when nature gives us a generous harvest of products that we can add to our diet. Seasonal food has a low value, because such food is usually fresh and contains more living ingredients. WomanEL tells you about the TOP 5 best seasonal vegetables that will give you a wonderful mood, a healthy and healthy look.

ContentHarmelonBeet CabbagePotatoCarrots


TOP 5 best seasonal vegetables: watermelon – a bright vegetable. Dzherelo:

In the spring, our body will especially require vitamins, and we ourselves want more bright farb – put it on the plate. For that reason, watermelon is a brilliant vegetable. Wine not only miraculously savors the stock of soups, salads, main herbs and desserts, but also adds a colossal supply of vitamins and minerals to our depleted diet. You can cook this vegetable literally every day in different ways.

There is a rare vitamin T in stock, which will prevent the accumulation of fat cells. Zinc, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, calcium and copper help to tidy up the intestinal tract.

Harmelon improves immunity and fights problems of the cardiovascular system. It is also rich in vitamin A, which brightens the eyes, supports the immune system and healthy skin and is anti-inflammatory.


Buryak promotes a healthy heart, reduces arterial pressure and stimulates detoxification of the body. Dzherelo:

Another bright sheep that will positively affect the skin, nails and hair. Baked beetroot is ideal for salads, and can also become a herb in its own right.

Vitamin B is present in stock, which improves the functioning of the nervous system. In order to improve the quality of your life, it is rich in blood flow and antioxidants. It promotes a healthy heart, reduces arterial pressure and stimulates detoxification in the body.


TOP 5 high-quality seasonal vegetables: cabbage contains a lot of brown microelements and Itamins. Dzherelo:

During periods of combat, our body especially requires essential microelements, or energy to fight enemies. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamins, including C, P, K, E, vitamins of group B and the unique vitamin U. Moreover, its level does not decrease as much as when ferment is preserved.

And there is also a lot of wealth on microelements such as sulfur, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, copper, folic acid and antioxidants that improve the immune system, relieve throat inflammation support healthy skins. Another natural probiotic that helps against poisoning.


Potato can absorb etching and fight signs of age. Dzherelo:

Potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Investigations indicate that the living speeches that are contained in it are endowed with hostile authorities for health. This vegetable improves rhubarb in the blood, reduces the risk of heart disease and improves immunity. You can also repair the damage and fight the signs of ageing.

This seasonal vegetable also contains vitamin B6, which helps stimulate serotonin production. In addition, potatoes contain vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, which promotes a healthy nervous system and heart.


The most popular root vegetable that is used in cooked hedgehogs is carrots. The peel of carrots is known to the skin, and it contains a large number of vitamins and microelements that are important for humans. Vegetables have been found to be stagnant in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

Carrots have been found to be stagnant in cooking ї, medicine and cosmetology. Dzherelo:

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene (provitamin A), which improves the immune system. Її антиоксиданти також допомагають боротися зі старінням клітин.

Мало хто знає про те, що цей яскравий коренеплід містить кальцій, який необхідний для міцних і здорових кісток, особливо у дітей і жінок. In addition, carrots are a great remedy for constipation and the liver, they relieve weight loss and do not promote rhubarb in the blood. Wait a minute, sometimes you want to crunch on some sweet, sweet carrots.

So, supplement your daily diet with seasonal products that grow in your region. It is still possible to extract vitamins and vegetables directly from the garden bed. Previously, we learned which fruits are the best in the heather.

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