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What monthly periods are considered the norm? 6th character

Most girls and women eat monthly meals that are considered normal. Since menstruation and hormonal health vary from person to person, it is important to say what is considered “normal”. Well, according to the thought of Le Nise Brothers, the author of the book You Can Have A Better Period, there are a few green lords to show respect in the hour of bleeding (and a few red ones).

ContentChervony Prapor: short cycles, long cycles or full periods of menstruation. Every menstruation is normal: menstruation lasts for three to seven days. Chervony Prapor: menstruation lasts for two days or Less monthly is respected by the norm: your blood is crane-worm color Red ensign: large clots of blood Every month is respected by the norm: life is troubling for the primary regime; Chervony Prapor: you are dying Painful menstruation is normal: you change your pads every two to three years Chervony Prapor: you change pads more often What menstruation is normal: your energy and mood to stay stable Since then: you have a bad mood when you feel like there’s something wrong with your cycle < p>WomanEL will break it down for you, so that you know how to maintain menstrual health and if you follow medical advice I'll help you further.

Chervony Prapor: short cycles, long cycles or Full day of months

“Women with such illnesses as polycystic ovary syndrome experience additional menstrual cycles. “We have very short cycles in perimenopause, in those who suffer from disordered eating behavior or eating, as well as in people who play sports excessively.” It is important that you contact your therapist or other medical professional if your menstruation has stopped completely.

Every month is respected as a norm: Menstruation lasts from three to seven days

“Menstruation may last from three to seven days,” says Brothers, “as you know, you don’t have a full flow during these days.” Any distressing menstruation is considered a clear sign and may be a sign of illnesses such as pelvic inflammatory disease or polycystic ovary syndrome. You should know that 70% of women who suffer from PCOS have not yet been diagnosed.

Chervony Prapor: menstruation lasts for two days or less

“Some people seem to have double periods, and this is normal for them. Ale, as you are, you need the stench to come out like a stream of insults for days. If one day the monthly flow is in full flow, and the next day it’s very scanty, this will increase your respect, which can be a sign of low estrogen,” said Brothers. Estrogen deficiency may play a role in the development of osteoporosis and reduced strength of the hands.”

Do you have two monthly periods? This may seem amazing. Why don't you worry?

Every month is respected by the norm: yours shelter of the crane-worm color

If you can expect brown blood at the beginning and at the end of menstruation, then you can determine that a sign of healthy menstruation is bright red blood. “The blood is either crane-red or slightly dark,” explains Brothers. “We want it to be bright and light red most of the time.”

Are you taking anti-inflammatory pills? As a side effect, you may experience brown bleeding. “There are too many people who don’t know that it’s not the regular menstruation, but the bleeding of the vagina,” says Brothers.

Red Ensign: large blood clots

Persistently brown blood can indicate low levels of progesterone. Another sign? “Large blood clots are a cause for concern,” says Brothers. If you have small blood clots, this is normal and may be a sign that your body is trying to regulate blood flow if you get clots larger than a 10 pence coin (24 mm), but may be a sign of something else. We are also wary of very clear periods, fibroids and endometriosis.”

Every month is respected as a norm: Life is troublesome for the primary regime

Not everyone experiences cramps, but over 81% of women report some other type of pain around the time of their period. So what is the difference between healthy spasms and an alarm sign? It may be light and creamy.

“I’ve been told before that it’s normal to see it around the hour of your period,” says Brothers. “Pain and aches are normal. Anything that destroys the basic way of life, causes pain, or chains you to bed, no. There is no harm in squirting as part of normal menstruation.”

Red Ensign: you die out pain

If you are dying from pain, you will be forced or you will not be tired, you will need to seek help. “This is crazy, abnormal, and this requires a lot of respect,” says Brothers. “Such pain could be a sign that you are living with diseases such as endometriosis, meiosis or fibromyoma.”

Every month is respected as a norm: You change skin pads for 2-3 years

Change skin pads for 2-3 years, Dzherelo: freepik: .com < p>Regardless of whether you are a fan of menstrual cups, a lover of period panties or a perennial tampon wearer, have respect for those who do not change their products for a long time. “You should change tampons for at least six years,” explains Brothers. “Ideally, you need to change your skin for two to three years.”

It’s worth saying that different bacteria reduce the volume of blood, so if you want to change a tampon or a skin pad for three years, this is absolutely normal, you can find that your cup will require emptying for only six years in (raise the cups, adjust approximately vschi more blood, less tampon).

Chervony Prapor: you change gaskets more often

The red flag rises when we change products too often. “If you ever change your skin for one or two years, you notice a lot of sweat,” says Brothers. I'm telling you, be careful.

Every month is considered the norm: your energy and mood remain stable

Seeing yourself as having less energy, no matter what, is an unknown part of menstruation. Brothers calls this decline in energy a completely natural reaction to sleep in the world, which follows a “24-year cycle of peak energy and decline in energy until the end of the day.” We are more sensitive to hormones in a bi-cycle, which allows energy peaks and declines from strength to strength.

It is not only our energy that changes, but our mood. “It’s normal if you feel a little depressed, especially on the first or second day, if estrogen levels are at their lowest levels.”

Chervony ensign: vidchuttya vtomi i filth mood

“We are aware that at the hour of our menstruation we may feel completely drained and have low spirits – this is normal. It's not like that. Do you feel that you cannot get up from lying down, which may be a sign of a low level of recovery. If you have already had your period, this may be a sign that your body cannot cope with the energy of this other cycle.”

What work you think is happening with your cycle It's not right

It is important to determine exactly what your problem is, and then you can go to your doctor, providing specific information. Instead of saying: “My periods are already bad,” Brothers recommends being more specific. “You might say, for example: “My periods are really painful. The first day and the next the stench forces me to go to work and live everyday life.” This formulation will help you quickly eliminate the necessary support.”

It has been proven that after months, immunity decreases. We encourage you to speed up these seasons in order to celebrate spring.

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