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Apple Martini made by Cameron Diaz: the perfect cocktail for a naughty girl's diet

52-year-old actor and supermodel Cameron Dias is a great fan of healthy diets and healthy eating. Zirka appreciates that you can prepare everything better with your own hands. Based on these principles, the actress’s favorite cocktail has become the Apple Martini. It doesn’t contain anything savory and is easy to prepare in your home kitchen, write WomanEL.

Apple Martin and by Cameron Diaz. Dzherelo:

U Lipni 1996 Roku cocktail vigadav Adam Carston is a bartender at the restaurant “Lola's” at Zahidny Hollywood. The drink was named in honor of the author of “Adam’s Apple Martini,” but some people shortened the name to “Apple Martini,” and then called it “Apple Martini.”

At the beginning of the 2000s, the drink becoming one of the most popular cocktails in Western America. Whose professional bartenders do not undertake to explain the reason for his phenomenal popularity. It’s all about the infused apple flavor – there really aren’t a lot of such cocktails.

Ideal cocktail for a party girl Yes. Dzherelo:


15 mils of apple liqueur;

15 mils of Cointreau liqueur;

40 mils of mountains Elki.

Mix all ingredients in a shaker. Pour into a chilled cocktail bottle. Decorate with slices of green apple. “Apple Martini” is ready…

Earlier we learned that Blake Lively was involved in “Aviation” to prepare a classic cocktail from the Jazz Age.

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